"For the life of the flesh is in the blood..."                                -Leviticus 17:11  

Dried Blood Analysis is a technique that allows a glimpse of free radical activity in the body by looking closely through a microscope at eight small drops of blood.

By examining the drying patterns of the blood, the Analyst, is given information on potential problems in the body. Each sample of blood will dry differently, and each formation is indicative of a different health-related issue.

Dried Blood Analysis is NOT a means of diagnosing. It is simply an additional tool that natural health assistants can use to better benefit their clients.

Because blood regenerates every 120 days, Dried Blood Analysis can assess a very recent state of the body. Blood also carries much of the history of the body. By examining the body on a cellular level, the analysist is able to look at tissue damage in the body due to a variety of different health conditions.


The body is constantly producing free radicals. There are factors that can cause the body to produce them more rapidly, causing the need for more antioxidants. Exhaust fumes and cigarette smoke both inhibit the oxygen that is taken into the body. Stress causes the body to burn more energy, but slows breathing. This decrease in oxygen leads to an increase the free radical production, and if the body does not have the antioxidants to neutralize them properly any number of severe health concerns could arise. Excess free radical production can lead to cancer, heart and circulatory problems, neurological disorders, just to name a few. We must have sufficient number of antioxidants in order to remain healthy.


 This information is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice by licensed physicians.  A reader should consult a physician regularly in all matters relating to medical problems, especially in matters of diagnosing, treating or curing diseases or other physical or mental conditions.





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