Allen E. Banik, O.D., with Carlson Wade in the book "Your Water and Your Health", gives us a listing of the six basic kinds of water:


1.  HARD WATER.  This is saturated with calcium, iron, magnesium, and many other inorganic minerals.  All water in lakes, rivers, on the ground, in deep wells, is classified as hard water.  (Many city systems take water from rivers or lakes, or reservoirs supplied with mountain water: they erroneously call their supplies "soft water", but it is soft only in comparison with water which is harder).


2.  BOILED WATER.  Boiling helps remove some of the germs, but concentrates the inorganic minerals.  Other germs are carried into a fertile element for rapid and lusty propagation of germs and viruses already in the body.


3.  RAW WATER.  This has not been boiled. Raw water may be hard ( as calcium hardened water) or soft as rain water. It contains millions of germs and viruses.  In every densely inhabited drop.  Some of these viruses and bacteria may adversely affect the thyroid gland, the liver and other vital body organs.


4.  RAIN WATER.  This has been condensed from the clouds. The first drop is distilled water.  But when it falls as rain, it picks up germs, dust, smoke, minerals, strontium 90, led and many other atmospheric chemicals.  By the time rain water reaches the earth it is so saturated with dust and pollutants it may be yellowish in color.  Water is supposed to act as an atmosphere purifier.  If we had no air pollution, we would have far less pollution in our drinking water.


5.  SNOW WATER.  This is frozen rain.  Freezing does not eliminate any germs. All snowflakes have hardened mineral deposits.  Melt the cleanest snow and you will find it saturated wit hdirt, inorganic minerals, germs and viruses.


6.  FILTERED WATER.  This water has passed through a fine restrainer, called a filter.  Some calcium and other solid substances are kept in the filter, there is no filter made which can prevent germs from passing through its fine meshes. Each pore of the finest filter is large enough for a million viruses to seep through in a few moments. A home filter usually only picks up suspended solids and is effective for the time, maybe only for hours, until it is filled up. Then it is ineffective even for removing suspended solids, and at the same time becomes a breeding ground for bacteria.





It is almost impossible to find water that hasn't been contaminated on our planet.  Air pollutants such as bacteria, smoke and chemicals contaminate rain fall.  Our soil is filled with pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers and other chemicals washed into our streams, rivers, lakes and wells.  In an attempt to clean our water we add chlorine, but chlorine and its by-products have been linked to some cancers, heart attacks, diabetics, kidney stones and inflammation.  Also much of our water is stil going through lead pipes which can cause severe neurological damage.


We definitely have serious water contamination problems.  Fortunately, you can do something about it.  There are ways to rotect yourself form these problems.  Let's examine the various water purification methods available today.







Distillation is a method where water is removed from the contaminants rather than trying to remove contaminants from the water.  Distillation involves boiling water, capturing the steam, cooling it and condensing it back to liquif gotm.  Materials that have a higher boiling point than water will not rise with the steam.  Most contaminates have a higher boiling point than water and therefore will not rise with the steam. Chlorine, however, is one substance that has a lowe boiling point than water.  It changes to a gas and can be carried into the "treated water" with the steam.  Fortunately, we can easily filter chlorine gases out through an inexpensive carbon filter within the distillation system.


Distiled water, filtered through a post carbon filter, is the purest water available.  It is the most consistent system that eliminates foreign particles, chemicals, minerals, bacteria, or other contaminants.  You have assurance of purity, health and peace of mind.


There seems to be a big controversy regarding drinking distilled water. We often hear people say distilled water doesn't contain valuable minerals. This is true, distilled water doesn't contain any minerals. but are those minerals valuable if your body doesn't assimilate them?  Most inorganic minerals found in water can not be assimilated by human body  These inorganic minerals are found in such trace amounts, you would need to drink 50 gallons of water for them to be of any significance.  It would be better to drink one glass of carrot and 2 ounce s of wheat grass juice and receive the same nutritional benefits.  Why gambl with yur health by drinking water  that might havve beneficial minerals when there are so meany unknowns inyour water.


In Dr. N. W. Walker's book "WATER CAN UNDERMINE YOUR HEALTH", he recommended drinking only STEAMED DISTILLED WATERHe pointed put that beneficial minerals needed by your body are not "leached" out.  Only useless built -up mineral deposits forming kidney stones, arthritic spurring , joint thickening and possibly heart valve deposits and arterosclerosis are removed.


We would not recommend purchasing distilled water which has been stored long term in a plastic container.  Many plastics give off toxins such as methyl chloride, a carcinogen which can leech into the water.  Glass bottles or stainless steel containers are recommennded for storing distilled water.


The purest and healthiest water is distilled water, filtered through a post-carbon filter and stored in a glass or stainless stell container.  Distillation is the oly technology that can effectively remove over 99% of the contaminates in the water consistently.




Bottled water companies, knowing of our water problems, have been responding to the need of all types concerned. In fact, in the last four years they have collectively sold over $1 billion worth of water.  However, when buying bottled water be aware that the water only has to meet the same minimum standards of municipal tap water.  Don't assume that bottled water is healthier than tap water.

NOTE: Most bottled water come in plastic.  Plastic is toxic and it breaks down especially when left in the heat.  





Carbon particles or solid block carbons are used as water filtering elements.  Filtering water works well in removing pesticides (like DBCP), chlorine, suspended particles and "precipitated heavy metals).  Carbon filters are not effective at removing radioactive particles, nitrates or bacteria. In fact, bacteria from contaminated water colonize and grow between the carbon particles and eventually may be randomly released into the "filtered"water.  Consequently, carbon filters should not be used with confidence on un-chlorinated water supplies, such as wells.


Carbon filter manufacturers normally specify how well the filter removes "precipitated heavy metals". This refers to metals tht are not "dissolved" in the water. Unfortunately most heavy metals (lead, cadmium, barium, nickel, etc.) are in a dissolved state which carbon filters can not remove.


Filters also lose their effectiveness with continued use.  Most have capacity rating somewhere between 500 and 1,500 gallons; however, by the time they reach the point of needing a replacement cartridge they may only be removing a fraction of what they did when new.  Unfortunately, there is not a convenient method of determining exactly how much water has passed through the filter.





This process invoves forcing contaminated water through a synthetic, semi-permeavle membrane. RO is at its peak efficiency when the membrane is new, reducing certain contaminants by 70-90%. The purity of the water depends o nwater source, fluctuating water pressure, age and subsequent breakdown of the RO membrane, and clogging of the membrane pores, Bacteria growth on the membrane and chlorine eating away at the membrane can also be a problem.


RO systems use large amounts of water- anywhere from 3 to 20 gallons to get 1 gallon of treated water. Although the RO systems do not use electricity, they can be quite costly ($500-$800) and they require routine service, monitoring and replacement of the membrane periodically.  Membrane replacement over a 3-5 year period cand equal the cost of your initial investment. 

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