New Herbal Extracts 

 Prices are slightly higher, however, the health benefits are truly worth it!!!


(Citrus paradisi) 

1/2 oz. 

The oil we are talking about here is made from high quality  

organic White Grapefruit peel. This kind of oil should not be confused with oils made from seed and pulp of the grapefruit. The scientific name for the tree that bears the White Grapefruit is Citrus paradise. The tree is also known by the common name of Shaddock. 

ORGANIC WHITE GRAPEFRUIT PEEL OIL has the reputation of fighting cellulite by reestablishing the normal lymphatic (filtered blood) circulation to the area. 

ORGANIC WHITE GRAPEFRUIT PEEL OIL activates and enables the lymphatic fluid to move back into the cellulite area and stabilize the condition. This is accomplished by direct external applications to the area in trouble two times per day.

 Many people like to follow up with ORGANIC WHITE  GRAPEFRUIT PEEL OIL applications with one of the Skin Lotions or the Sports Cream Extra Strength or Vane Eaze to then moisturize and invigorate the area. 

It is precisely because ORGANIC WHITE GRAPEFRUIT PEEL OIL cleans out the lymph in the spot where you put it and has a flushing action, that you keep hearing people say that they got rid of 

a very frightening patch of “bad skin cells.” With continuous applications of the oil on the spot three or more times per day the “bad cells” stop  burning, itching and hurting. You could say the ORGANIC WHITE GRAPEFRUIT OIL stings the “bad cells” to death. Some spots clear up in as little as two to three weeks. After the problem clears up, put on an application once per week to keep the 

skin free of problems. 

By the way, most people say ORGANIC WHITE GRAPEFRUIT PEEL OIL has a very pleasant and refreshing smell. 

DIRECTIONS: For external use only 



(Price slightly higher.)

Bees make a type of “bee glue” from plants, trees and flowers which we call Propolis (prop’-uh-luss). They use it to stick their homes to the inside of a hollow tree or wooden box to hold it firmly in place. Because Bee Propolis is antibiotic it does not rot. The bees also use it for building entrance tunnels into their hive to keep their homes safe from germs, viruses, fungus and other things. In this way they have an antibiotic foot mat and walls so the bees don’t track in a sickness or an infection from the outside. They even put a thin coating of Propolis over the wax of a honey cell to protect it. If something like a wasp, lizard or snake does get into their home, they sting it to death and encase it completely in Propolis so it does not rot and destroy their honey or their hive.

 Most of the oldest living people on earth are bee keepers. One of their secrets is to chew on a little Bee Propolis each day to keep their immune system in good shape. If you are looking for the finest, strongest and quickest acting Bee Propolis, then 

consider the kind from the jungles of South America known as BRAZILIAN GREEN BEE PROPOLIS. This kind of Propolis has the properties and strength only a jungle can provide. A tropical, hot, steaming jungle with its hostile, stinging and biting and poisonous creatures is one of the most difficult places to live; otherwise, more

people would be living there. The struggle to survive in a jungle is much harder and that means when in trouble you must find things that fix you in a hurry. This is also why you hear of Brazilian Green Bee Propolis doing things faster and handling some really tough problems. One taste should convince you it is stronger.

 Survival is the name of the game and the wild, tropical bees have the single-minded purpose to survive come what may. They make their Propolis with that in mind. It is made to protect the hive and all who live there  from illness. 

One of the best ways people can enjoy the benefits of this wondrous gift from the bees is to use it as a liquid because liquids are more

easily absorbed by the body. 

It is no wonder at the first sign of a sore throat, cold, fever or flu or any illness, many people take the liquid form of Brazilian Green Bee Propolis. They let a few drops of the liquid trickle down the 

throat all day long if necessary. As the liquid Brazilian Green Bee Propolis is absorbed rapidly it can also be applied as needed on the throat or body area in trouble. Brazilian Green Bee Propolis is engineered by the jungle bees to have a quick antibiotic effect and it also neutralizes poisons called “free radicals.” When body cells wear out and break down, they form poisons called “free radicals.” Pollution from pesticides and food additives and drugs and 

manufacturing can cause “free radicals” too. Whatever the cause of the “free radicals,”  this poison must be handled or it can make healthy cells sick. Think of Bee Propolis as a poison eater or “free radical” eater or, as some  people say, an “anti-oxidant” of the finest type. Thank the Creator for these determined bees with their strong, singleminded purpose to survive as a group and individually. Perhaps the bees have shown us the way to strengthen our survival. Why shouldn’t we enjoy the effects of their gift to the world? Think of it this way, if this kind of Propolis will work in the Jungle it will probably work wherever you are too. 

DOSAGE: 10 to 20 drops per day as a daily maintenance. 10 drops hourly while awake if needed to fight off something making you sick or trying to make you sick. 

NOTE: Some herbalists and researchers around the world are indicating Brazilian Green Bee Propolis may be very 

helpful in counteracting the effects of aluminum chloride used in water purification and the effects of mercury from 

some forms of high fructose corn syrup, coal-powered power plants or mercury fillings in teeth. 

This information is about historical observations and historical information relating to herbs. This information is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice by licensed physicians. A person should consult a 

physician regularly in all matters relating to medical problems, especially in matters of diagnosing, treating or curing diseases or other physical or mental conditions. This information has not been verified by the American 

Medical Association or the Food and Drug Administration

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