Protein is essential for the health and well-being of the body and its repair.  It plays many roles. One of these is the stabilization of blood sugar. 

By having protein of high quality at meal, eaten to satisfaction as tolerated, the blood sugar stabilizes and energy levels normalize.  The "taste for sweets" disappears, as well as the tormenting desire for (carbohydrates) starches and sugars.  The physical need is no longer there.

 Protein also plays an essential role in building and maintaining immunity.  To get the maximal effect from protein, it is very important to get it digested.  Therefore a digestaid may be needed at each meal as well.



Choose something from this list at each meal.



 for weight loss use RYE, YELLOW CORN, WILD RICE, BROWN RICE, OR MILLET.  for weight gain use WHEAT OR BARLEY. These grains may be enjoyed as breads, crackers or cereals both hot and cold.



PEANUT, ALMOND, SESAME (Tahini) or SUNFLOWER nut butters. (Note: only nut butters which contain only the nut themselves, for instance Peanut Buter made only from peanuts. As natural nut butters contain no preservatives such as sugar or margarine (hydrogenated fats), they do require refrigeration after opening.)



The superpower of the bean world is soybeans, which contain 29 grams for every cup serving of cooked beans. Edamame, green soybeans which are picked before full maturity, have 22 grams of protein in every cooked serving. Edamame can be added to salads or eaten like a snack food, while soybeans appear in foods like tofu and tempeh. There are lots of ways to use soy in cooking; try not to go overboard, however, as you can eat too much of a good thing.

Fava beans are another great protein-rich bean, with 22 grams of protein per serving. Lentils are also high in protein, with most lentils having around 17 grams per cup. Following close behind are red kidney beans, with 16 grams in a one cup serving. Black beans and navy or haricot beans have 15 grams or protein, while blackeyed beans, garbanzo beans, and lima beans have around 14 grams per cup.



As long as you do not harden the yellow of the egg there is no need to worry about cholesterol. Enjoy them as "Egg whites", "over-easy" "sunny side up", soft boiled or poached.



Aged chesses only as they are easier to digest, such as SWISS, MUNSTER, FETA, or  CHEDDER. NO AMERICAN PROCESS TYPE CHEESE OR CHEESE SPREADS.


Your protein needs vary depending on your weight. There are two ways to think about protein needs; in one instance, protein should make up around 20% of your total caloric intake. One gram of protein contains four calories, so to determine your protein needs this way, figure out what 20% of your caloric intake should be and divide by four for the number of grams of protein you need. Generally, healthy adults need 1,800-2,000 calories each day, although your needs may vary depending on health and activity levels. Ask your doctor about your diet if you have questions.


NOTE: If any of the 4 B's are present, BLOATING, BURNING, BURPING or BELCHING during the meal or after, take a digestaid with each meal.

 Use either GENTIAN, GINGER, or SWEET ROOT (to name a few herbal extract), at the rate of 10-40 drops or more with each meal to ensure complete digestion and so you get the protein value out of your food instead of just the calories.

Wheat Germ is also a protein source.




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